Education, Education and Education

Every developing and underdeveloped country dream about being developed countries someday in the future. However, they do not reform, do not change any system that actually causes not to grow.
Firstly, every underdeveloped and developing country should realize that without the didactic education system, no system carries them upwards to developed countries level.
An educated workforce is a critical element in the development. Students who can speak a foreign language, can have high math knowledge, can think like a philosopher, can have a grasp of history, have willings to read books without parents’ pressure would develop their countries.

As we see above in the picture, the countries in which the education system is much better than other countries are recently developing faster than in other countries. Sweden, Canada, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Poland, Germany, for instance, look brighter than other countries because the new generations are taught how to use their brains, how to solve problems, how to educate themselves, and how important knowledge is. 
A math problem is not only about math, but it also teaches us how we can solve a daily life problem. Namely, math problems bring us thinking and learning ability. 
Reading a novel is not only training our reading ability but also improving our imagination. For example, I love Gabriel Garcia and his novels. When I read his novels, I learnt about the South American economy and South American political issues. Gabriel Garcia also published his travel notes about Soviet Russia. When I read it, I understood how people lived under communist regimes. 
In short, a sound education system gets us to adopt many significant habits and abilities. That is the answer why many people want to study at Harvard, MIT, or Cambridge. Because we believe that a good university allows us to have lots of significant knowledge that many companies request. That is true, but there is a fundamental question rising here, “ Why does not every country have a Harvard or MIT?” 
Every country does not have a Harvard because the political system does not care about education individuals. Educated individuals will request the real democracy, real institutions; educated people will query the system and politicians, will speak up about corruption and stupid rules, will raise their voice against injustice. That is why politicians do not work on a better education system. 
To sump up, every nation should request a high and free education system. No matter what politicians say, they had better keep asking until they have it. 

***Note:  Education should be free for everyone; it is a right. Everyone, no matter their social class, had better reach a high-quality education system like rich people. Otherwise, no matter how democratic a country is, still, that country has a class system, which is not democratic at all. 
